Good morning friends. One year ago today I retired from my corporate life in the world of Mortgage Loan Underwriting, came home from work, and found this on our front porch. Mr. Perch (aka Hubby) set this up while I was gone. Of course, by the time I got home, the whole neighborhood knew that I had retired! I did love my job, the bank I worked for, and especially those that I worked with, but it was time for me to move on.
After working for 38 years, I must confess that it is kind of nice to wake up in the morning and do.......well, just about anything that I want!! One of my goals for after I did retire was to start a blog, so here we are.
On another note, we are still plodding away with the Christmas decorating. Here are just a few pictures taken around the outside of the homestead yesterday...
The rusty snowman was a purchase by my husband this week...he's certainly learning the ropes in the peeling-paint decor realm! And the star is one of those hanging from our little gazebo.
Still working on the inside of the house!
I hope that you are enjoying getting ready for this season of joy. Have a great day!!