Saturday, March 12, 2016

What Has Been Keeping Us Busy: Part 1

Hello dear friends. I have missed posting, but we have had beautiful warm weather this week, so decided to catch up on little (no, big!) jobs around the old homestead.

Hubby scraped the front porch rails and
painted them all...

Then he began power-washing the filthy gazebo
after digging out the over-grown
butterfly bushes.
(I happen to hate butterfly bushes 
almost as much as azaleas.)
Unfortunately, the practically-unused power washer
stopped working,
so he exercised our right to a new one
under the extended warranty that we 
had purchased. 
The painting will happen this coming week.
(If the paint brushes don't all break!)...

Along with another big painting job
(outcome to be revealed soon),
I painted the old windows...

...and the old red door.
(You saw them on a recent post)...

None of this sounds like much,
but I assure you, it all did take some time!

I hope that you're having a great weekend!
Until next time...


  1. Oh yes Sue, that is a lot of work, I know, but how beautiful it looks now. the little sweet pavillion will be lovely painted again, and so will your windows.
    Happy Sunday to you.
    Dorthe xx

    1. Thanks, Dorthe. A work in progress. It seems like it never ends. More of the same tomorrow! XO

  2. Oooooh it is good to see someone busy and productive Sue!! You have motivated me; I'm still on 'auto-pilot'. But it's time to get moving : ) Thanks friend. your projects look great~ Karen O


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