Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Fabric and Lace Collage: "A Sister's Solace"

Hello dear friends and blog sisters!

We have a bad storm headed our way within a couple of hours, so we have have hunkered down due to the threat of high winds and possible hail and tornadoes. I thought I'd catch up on a few "computer" things while I can still be safely connected.

I finished the "purple" collage 
that I posted about last week.
I used silky fabrics,
a vintage doily,
antique lace,
and old buttons.
The whole collage was sewn to
a lovely piece of ivory damask...

It was fun working with these colors,
as they are normally outside of my
"comfort zone"...

I used sari ribbons and 
crinkled seam binding for the tie.
I got to practice some of the fancy stitches
that my fairly new sewing machine
can do...

This piece will be listed for sale in my
Etsy shop.


I also put a few things together for my next piece.
Some laces, and fabrics in grey-blues,
along with, of course,
a beautiful photo!...

Keeping the momentum going!
As always, thank you for sharing some time with me.


  1. Your Purple collage is beautiful and so intricate with all the laces and those great fancy stitches Sue! I took a close up look and I love what your machine can do~ Your vintage white accents really make this special! TFS and I'm curious to see this next collage w/ the gray-blues! Hugs, ~Karen O

    1. Hi Karen. Thanks so much for your sweet comments. My machine is a Singer and certainly not the fanciest kid on the block, but is easy to use and does some nice stuff. Have a great evening! Hugs back!

  2. Beautiful collaged hanger, dear Sue, -I love the image of the two sisters, and the antique lace , so new and exiting together with the purple fabrics.
    And your new to finish collage looks stunning, with your many layers of beautiful materials !!
    Hug from Dorthe

  3. Thank you Dorthe! I really enjoyed finishing this piece, as I started putting it together six months go, but didn't like it so put it aside until last week, when I decided to rework it. Does that ever happen to you? XO


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