Monday, June 30, 2014

I feel old, and a refinished patio table set for Birdsong Cottage...

Good morning. I feel old today. Not because I have any new aches and pains, but because my firstborn turns 38 on this day. I will not mention how old I was when I had her. For obvious reasons.

While Mr. Perch put the finishing touches on the front door at Birdsong last week, I also completed work on the old patio set that I bought in Raleigh a few months ago. We had hauled it up when we came up in April to open the place for the season. Of course, I still didn't get around to painting that trim work!

I had previously painted the frames of the table and chairs back at "real house", and you can see that post here.

You may recall what the furniture looked like before,
shown here at SuzAnna's Antiques...

I painted the old vinyl cushions, again, with 
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White (my go-to color).
In the photo below, I have started to brush on the paint
over an old rust stain that was likely from an old bucket
that someone left on the chair...

After two coats of paint, this is what the cushions
looked like...

And here is a finished chair,
seen with that lovely carpet mentioned in yesterday's post...

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together in such a cheap way?
I hope you have a great day today!


  1. I absolutely LOVE your patio set. At the risk of sounding like I've been living under a rock, can you tell me how you know you can use the chalk paint on the seat cushions? Do you have to use Annie Sloan chalk paint or are there other, less expensive, but just as effective paint alternatives?

    1. Hi Kelly! You have not been living under a rock. I did not know that I could use the paint on the cushions, and no one that I asked was able to tell me. So, since it worked on a fabric lampshade that I did, I thought it was worth the chance. I am no expert on paint, but I don't know of other paints that would cover vinyl without cracking. I do know that there are other chalk paints out there, but have not personally tried them. I really enjoy Annie Sloan, and find that a little goes a very long way. Though it seems expensive, it's really not in the long run. I hope this helps. Let me know how you make out, and thanks so much for stopping by! Sue


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