When we were up at the Nest, our last order of windows came in before we expected them to, so Hubby decided to put in three of them, this time inside the porch. Our porch was once a long screened in job, but at some point a previous owner decided to make half of it into a sunroom. He enclosed the back portion and put vinyl siding on it, inside and out (I keep pretending its shiplap, but I don't think I can fool anyone) adding five windows to the outside and a decent door to the front. Its nice because it stays warm in cool weather, but its not so nice because he did a terrible job with the windows (a future project for us will be to fix or replace them) and decided to put the dividing wall and rear wall right over the frames of four of the old house windows that we are trying to replace. I guess his assumption was that those 30 year old aluminum awning windows would last forever.
Mr. Perch simply thrived on the excitement of
having to remove the siding before he could get
to the old window...
Well, at least there was insulation under the
Window out, at last!...
And, the new one is in!
We did also get the siding back up,
along with the grey wood trim,
but I forgot to take a photo...
And then, we decided to tempt fate and move
to the window inside the sunroom,
on the other side of the wall shown above.
And... after putting in 15 of the 18
windows with no mishaps,
what should happen but
a slip of the drill!
Oh, well, at least it was on the old window!
PS...By the way we did get the new window in
without further mishap,
but decided to call it quits for that trip!
Have a great evening.

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